Origin Story.

EASY ST. – It actually was a street, Officially known as route Dorset

A stretch of road approx 1.5 miles long situated in the Nad E Ali district of Helmand province, southern Afghanistan.

The name coined by the soldiers of the Welsh and Grenadier guards with their typically dark sense of humour. As you can probably guess, the route wasn’t so EASY. Filled with IED’s, hidden enemy insurgents and void of any signs of normal life, in the summer of 2009 it wasn’t any of our holiday destinations of choice.

With a Taliban stronghold at one end and the british forces at the other, EASY ST was the stage for some of the fiercest fighting seen by british forces for decades. It left its mark physically and mentally on many men and women of our forces but the struggles and heart ache where strewn with positive outcomes, long lasting change for the better and an overriding sense of pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go again.

Those young men and women when tasked with seemingly impossible or dangerous tasks such as clearing mines under enemy fire, assaulting known enemy positions or evacuating casualties, there was never an argument or challenge to authority, just a clear and powerful response

“Roger EASY ST.”

True military resolve with a heap of dark humour and good old British sarcasm came out on top, the name stuck and the battle was won.


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